What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Music Mond-er, uh...Tuesday?: Matt Jordan

Hey everyone! Unfortunately Music Monday got moved to Music Tuesday, because of my poor communication skills. However, it's up just a little after Monday! For this week I asked my friend Matt Jordan to be the guest blogger! Matt is a freshman at Western Kentucky University where he is studying Psycology. Matt and I have been best friends since junior high, and share an affinity for the band Skillet (one of few bands we both enjoy). We saw them together twice last year, including a 4 hour trip to Terre Haute, Indiana in April 2009. As well as a trip to Memphis, Tennessee in October, on a Thursday night only to drive back 6 hours overnight so I could get to classes the next morning. So, without further adieu...I give you Music Mond-er, uh Tuesday?
Music is one of the main structures in my life. If I had to guess I would say it's everyone else's also. There are many reasons for music. I have gone through quite a few stages musically. Early in high school my music style was lyrically based on my moods. Sure the sounds affected me too but it was the lyrics that I really paid attentioned to. I depended on music to get me through certain situations. Good days I played some happy alternative music, upbeat My Chemical Romance and so forth; bad days I played gloomier Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and Avenged Sevenfold. In no way am I stating that these bands are worse because of their lyrics they were just what fit the mood. But there are other bands like Skillet that really helped me through some stuff. Skillet is a Christian band but they are also a band that anyone can listen to. At first I never knew they were Christian because their lyrics focused on pain and suffering but also redemption/salvation. Salvation is many things. Yes, eternal life in heaven but I believe there’s a person salvation to when it comes to our mortal lives. Skillet helped me discover my salvation in this life which has to do with my true happiness. With Skillet it is too hard to pick one song that has greatly affected me so I will mention one for now and hopefully be able to another day have the privilege of continuing this.
Song: "Collide"
Artist: Skillet
Album: Collide
“Collide” as simplified as it is as a song lyrically the line in this song that stood out was “There’s something deep inside that keeps my faith alive, when all you can do is hide from the fear that’s deep inside of you”. At this point when I first heard this song I was deep in a depression stage hanging, balancing my life and my faith. Growing up in a Christian family, school, and friends has been easy until this point. When you hit college when you really are on your own you start to ask “Who is really in control?”. I am not a guy that got in to things but my biggest problem was myself. I doubted, still do sometimes because I was blind to a simple fact. I had prayed many times for things but never heard an answer. I started to give up but there is always something deep inside that keeps me alive and this is all the proof I need to know what is the truth. I still could put a finger on why I felt so spiritually isolated and my bible study leader said one day, “With God you cannot communicate by just praying. It will be a one-sided phone call where you put God in the position to only listen. You need to dwell on the Word so you will be listening and He will be able to communicate back and it will be a complete conversation.” How wise those words are because it’s something so simple that it can be easily overlooked.
To this day I am still struggling with some stuff but my music taste has taken a turn. I used to dwell on music that was about me which is very helpful because you don’t feel alone anymore. You learn that while unique you are like some person and so you shouldn’t dwell on your problems for there is always a solution. My lyric tastes have changed to other’s stories. As a psychology major I have always loved listening to people and their stories. I am so fascinated on how people live. Music is the best way to describe what you have gone through and what you did to change. If you ever want to give up listen to Skillet’s “Never Surrender”, a very well written song about getting through anything and everything. If you get anything out of this extremely long letter I hope you know now that life while full of pain, has even more life. People would not sing praises or reach out to the broken if that was not the case. Keep your head up and sing your heart out for music is one of many remedies that has a lasting effect on all of us.

-Matthew Jordan
Lyrics to "Collide" by Skillet available below:

Check out the song on Itunes or purchase Skillet's album, Collide (as well as other Skillet releases) on Itunes, Amazon, Christian Bookstores, and other retailers.

Skillet's Website:

Once again, BIG thank you to Matt!