What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Just a Thought: I.Q. Test

Occasionally I will have "Just A Thought" posts. These are basically just a special post about something that has been on my mind, something that pertains to a previous post, and things like that. For this post I wanted to talk about the "I.Q. Test" that I was asked to take today...
Today, in between classes, I was walking from my Chemistry class to my Geography class that is inside the main classroom building on campus. Right outside of the building there was a booth set up. Now, there are often booths outside of the classroom building for anything from greek life to campus events. However, something caught my eye. There was a sign on top of the table that read, "ARE YOU GOING TO HEAVEN?" Well, yes. I believe that I am going to heaven, but they obviously weren't targeting me. I walked near the booth curious as to what they were hawking to the students. As I approached I noticed what seemed to be the leader having a conversation with a student about salvation. Well, less of a conversation and more of an argument. From what I could understand, the student wasn't a believer and the leader was explaining Christianity to him in an arrogant, and forceful manner. I approached wanting to get a piece of paper and a card that they were handing out. When I walked near the booth I was in a hurry, so I couldn't interject in the conversation, so I just walked near one of the girls handing out the paper and cards. She looked at my shirt and said that she loved Switchfoot (I was obviously wearing a Switchfoot shirt) and only gave me a paper (I suppose she assumed I didn't "need" a card because I was wearing the shirt of a Christian rock band) which was simply an invitation to a Bible study by an unspecified organization. I really wanted to see what that card said, because it was obviously the focus of the converstion being had by the leader and the student. So, after my geography class I went out there again, zipped up my jacket, and passed by. There, a new person handed me a card, and another paper. The card was an IQ test, well actually, it was a tract. Check it out below:

Tracts have always been a popular form of communicating the gospel to people. As a whole, people have good intentions when handing these out. However, this really bothered me. First of all, the argument was uneccessary and I don't blame the student for being insulted by the tract. Secondly, why do you have to basically insult somebody's intelligence inorder to present the gospel. Finally, and this is the whole reason for this post, do tracts really even work? How are you supposed to change somebody's life by simply having a tract with a 3 sentence explanation on how to follow Christ? This may just be me, but if I wasn't a believer I don't think that: a.) this card would change my mind. b.) that I would attend the Bible study. or c.) that I would talk to one of those people. I think that you are more likely to change lives by being connected to the community you are trying to gain favor with. If you want students to come to the Bible study get out there and talk to them, and build those relationships. Right now I am reading a book called The Church of Facebook by Jesse Rice. Though I am not far into the book, it talks about the lack of connectedness that exists in the church and everyday life. Connectedness is obviously the issue here. While I am happy they are out there trying to do something, I just wish that they would realize that we need a connection. We need something tangible that will lead us there, and not just a piece of paper that you can throw away. This is why Jesus and his disciples went out into the other cities and countries. If you simply sent along a scroll to be read to the people back then, instead of Jesus getting out and connecting with the people; there would be far fewer followers of Christ. It's all about relationships.
Thanks for reading! Look out for another Music Monday tonight!

The Church of Facebook by Jesse Rice is available at any Christian Bookstore, as well as online.