What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Music Monday: Blaire Barnhart

Hey everybody! It's time for Music Monday again! This week, I have my good friend Blaire Barnhart blogging all the way from Liberty Unviersity in Lynchburg, Virginia. Blaire is one of my best friends, and I am very excited to have her as a guest blogger! So...I present...Music Monday!
Song: "While I'm Waiting"
Aritst: John Waller
Album: The Blessing
HEY EVERYONE! My name is Blaire and I’m a freshman at Liberty University! I am an elementary education major, and want to one day serve the poor in Costa Rica. I have been so moved by this blog and I thought I would send in my music Monday favorite Christian music song! I feel like it changes almost daily but one song I cannot get enough of is a song by John Waller called- “While I’m Waiting” Its all about being patient and waiting on Gods timing! The chorus is fantastic! It says- “I will move ahead bold and confident, taking every step in obedience. While I’m waiting, I will serve you, while I’m waiting, I will worship. While I’m waiting…I will not faint. I’ll be runnin’ the race, even while I wait.”

I love that because it reminds me that even as I sit on my knees praying for one thing, I am still called to follow and be a servant. To pray with abandon, and persevere and push through the tough times knowing that even as I wait it out, my call is still here. There is never a time of void for a Christian. The things I have learned about my God since I have been at school truly are incredible and far too immense to list but one thing I know for sure…We truly are to be REBELIOUS for the LORD. To live to serve Him in all we do should be our greatest desire.
Lyrics to "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller available below:

John Waller's Website:

BIG THANKS to Blaire! If anybody else would like to be a guest blogger for Music Monday please email your post to whocanstopus@gmail.com.

Final post of The Rebellion series will be up this Thursday. It is called The Rebellion (Post 4): WHO CAN STOP US?