What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Music Monday: The Rebellion

Hey everybody! It's time for Music Monday again! This week, I thought I would change it up just a bit. I've been thinking, and I think that The Rebellion needs some sort of unofficial theme song. So, I got to thinking. I had several in mind, but I think I picked the perfect one! So, here it is!
Song: "The Resistance"
Artist: Anberlin
Album: New Surrender
"The Resistance" is exactly the song that explains what this is all about. It is a fast paced rocker that will get your adrenaline pumping. The lyrics in this song depict exactly what The Rebellion is all about. It starts out by addressing the people who are against it.

"You wanna watch us break?
Be the first to take us down
but your teeth are worn
and there's no stopping us now."

How much better can it get? As you saw in the last post, and likely experienced yourself, people want to watch us break. They want to see this all crumble and become nothing. However, they will slowly lose their grip on us, because there's no stopping us now.
So, what happens when people try to stop us? Well, we have to hold together. Which, conveniently, is what the second verse to the song is about!

"Silent alarms are ringing
sounds of revolt draw near
a new united front
that you will come to fear
We will hold together
to become the change
voice for the voiceless
with every common man engaged."

I love this! People will begin to hear "silent alarms." They will sense that something is about to happen, something big. The revolt is coming. We will become the united front, and we will stand up side by side to become the change. We are the change.
So what happens when we stand together and become the change? Well, people can either choose to watch or join in on the fun.

"Ignite and watch us burn

til every embers turn
man kind will feel inspired
when we set your walls to fire."

There's a fire that has been lit under us. It's a fire of passion and desire. It is one that is going to cause the change. It will be the change that will make "man kind feel inspired."
This song is the perfect song for The Rebellion! I hope you all will go check it out, because it is the rally call for us. We have to stand together, and we will cause the change that makes man kind feel inspired! After all, WHO CAN STOP US?
Full lyrics for "The Resistance" by Anberlin available below:

Anberlin's Website:
and myspace:

You can find Anberlin's music at any christian bookstore, any music store, and most retail stores.

Once again, I hope you check out the song. It is by one of my favorite bands, and it has come to mean alot to me and hopefully anybody that is joining me in this effort! 

The new series called "I Dare Ya" will continue this Thursday! So, hope you can check it out! Also, if you would like to participate in Music Monday, please email me at whocanstopus@gmail.com

Finally, if you are in junior high, high school, or just a parent that would like their teens to find out more about The Rebellion, then come check me out at Eastland Church of God this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. It promises to be alot of fun, and I hope you would consider coming out!

Have a great week!


Courtney said...

I can so do this. Now all I have to do is remember...maybe not. ;)