What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Special Thought: They Can't Stop Us...But They'll Try

This evening I got a text from a number I didn't know. So, I opened it wondering who it was. Following this text, I received several more from the same number. This is what they read:
Text 1: "You should stop blogging"

I then asked why that was, and also asked who it was.
Text 2: "They suck. And no one reads them."

Ok, fair enough. I know I don't have many readers, so it's not incredibly innacurate. I then asked who it was again.
Text 3: "This is god"

I doubt that. So, once again I asked who it was, and didn't get an answer. So, I asked yet again while explaining that I didn't mind their opinion. In all honesty, I respect that they don't like it. However, I also think it is common courtesy to let me know who it was.
Text 4: "Maybe you should learn how to write and maybe I'll listen. And you say you know people [that read the blog] but you have a grand total of zero comments on your blog."

Ok, that is true. Well, there are some on the first post, but I guess those don't count? Also, I know I will never be a good writer, so if that is holding you back from liking this...then that's fine. There are plenty of good writers out there, so I hope you will read them (Erwin Raphael McManus, Jesse Rice, and Rob Bell are some of my favorites if that means anything to you).
Anyways, you may be wondering why I brought all of this up. At first, I decided I was going to just let it go, but I soon realized this is a perfect example of what will happen. People aren't going to like this, and I didn't intend for everybody to. There are going to be some people that want to tear you down and stop any progress you are making. What we need to do is keep going, and let it put fuel in our fire. Like I've said, if we do this together then nobody can stop us...and I mean NOBODY! I don't care if there are 1, 5, 14, 50, 100, or even if it's just myself that reads this blog, but if even just a little change happens in 1 person...well, it was all worth it. What we have to realize is that Satan will place roadblocks in our way, but we just have to roll with the punches and keep moving. God will even give you tests to see if you are truly sincere about what you are doing. You need to give it all you got, and He will reward you. You just have to trust Him!
Finally, I want anybody who is reading this to know that I really appreciate that you even glanced at this. Yes, even the person that sent those texts...I'm glad you atleast glanced at the blog. So, know that even when things get in your way, you aren't alone and that you will get through it. Stay strong and just roll with the punches. There's a reason for everything.


Anonymous said...

Yeah first of all I think that people who send texts like that are cowards because they don't want people to know who they are so they don't have to take responsibility for their words. and secondly, this is called the rebellion for a reason. and if that person doesn't want to take part in it they don't have to. But they shouldn't try to inhibit those who care. And frankly, this blog is important. How many people anymore actually take a stand for something? for anything? we are so afraid of offending people that we tip toe our way through life hoping no one asks our opinion. I am grateful that someones faith means something to someone. I mean, honestly...if you are a christian and you TRULY believe in an eternal hell...how much would you have to HATE someone not to tell them about heaven and the man who died to send you there? just a thought.

Nina said...


Josh Ballard said...

Thank you all so much for commenting! I think more people will do it now that I got it fixed!

M. Jordan said...

This is proof that everyday we will face an unknown enemy that will say or do anything to at the least get us out of ourselves and go against what we have sought out to do. The best remedy is to embrace it, laugh at it, and make a point out of it. I just shrug it off because is someone like that really gonna make a difference on how I reach people? As Christians this will happen non stop and we should be excited that it will. Being persecuted is painful but at the same time it is amazing because it shows I am that much stronger and willing to go the extra mile for my Savior. No one can stop us especially via text message. I guess some people are afraid to come out because the Light will blind them. The invitation will always stand if they need to talk. No matter what God doesn't turn his back on us so we shall not on those who do wrong to us. Who can stop us?

Josh Ballard said...

Awesome! I totally agree, as you can see in this post. We can't let things like this stop us. In fact, it should only push us to do more. I'm so glad that I got the comment section fixed and more easy to use! It's going to add a whole new dimension to The Rebellion!

Keith Preston said...

I'm reading your posts for the first time and think they are amazing! Be encouraged and keep up the good work.

Josh Ballard said...

Thank you very much! I'm happy to hear you like it! GO REDS!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to you speaking again tomorrow night at Eastland Student Ministries, Josh. Love it and love how you're living this REBEL lifestyle!

Josh Ballard said...

Thanks Julie! I can't wait to speak!