What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Music Monday: Courtney LeMay

Hi everybody! It's that time of the week again...Music Monday! This week I have one of my friends named Courtney LeMay. I have known Courtney since 6th grade, and we have extremely similar music tastes. (Paramore/Relient K concert was fun. haha) So, I asked her if she would like to do one this week, and she happened to write a blog that is an excellent lead in to the new series...so enjoy!
My name is Courtney, and I love music. There’s really not a song on my iPhone that doesn’t mean something to me. That’s part of the reason it took me so long to write this Music Monday for Josh—I had trouble picking what song to talk about. In desperation, I turned to my top-rated playlist, and that’s when I knew exactly what song I wanted to talk about. I’ve been a fan of Switchfoot for a while now; I can still remember listening to their Oh! Gravity album on repeat for a month straight every night while doing my homework. A song from their newest album is the one I’ll be discussing today, though. “Enough to Let Me Go” from Switchfoot’s Hello Hurricane.

Song: "Enough to Let Me Go"
Artist: Switchfoot
Album: Hello Hurricane
The song really speaks to me where I am in life right now. I’m finding out how different love is from the movies, from what I thought it was, and from what I wanted or expected it to be. Love isn’t finding the perfect person to complete you; I’m slowly learning it isn’t about finding a person at all. I had been in a serious relationship for many months, and one day I felt Him leading me a different direction. God was asking me to give up this relationship, and I knew I couldn’t ignore Him forever. To make a very long story short, I broke up with my boyfriend and took it pretty hard. Music is what I relied on heavily to get through the day, music and God’s promises of something better in my life; I found myself on my own and searching for something different. I was searching for myself, and the first verse speaks to this part of my life:
“Oh, I'm a wandering soul/I'm still walking the line that leads me home.
Alone, all I know/I still got mountains to climb/on my own, on my own.”
But I didn’t pick up on this very quickly. I was looking for God to give me that next great relationship at any moment, and it ended up causing me more pain. But God works in wonderful, unexpected ways to get His points across. My dad hadn’t been to church in a long time, but he suddenly began to go to Quest in Lexington. Intrigued, I went with him one week, and it was here that the message really spoke to me. I realized that you first have to get your life together before you can ever be concerned with letting someone else into your life in a serious way. It finally clicked. I don’t have a clue what God wants me to do with my life, but I know that I’ll never figure it out if I’m too busy being distracted by someone else.
The song has a similar point in it. The song reminds me that letting go of those you love is the best way to learn to really love sometimes. The song sounds like patience in lyrical form, and that is definitely something I need reminding of. That’s where the chorus comes in.
“Do you love me enough to let me go?
To let me follow through/To let me fall for you, my love?
Do you love me enough to let me go?”
You might think of the cliché saying that if you love something, you’ll let it go, but I think there’s more to it than that. If you want to love something, you have to let go of yourself first. Love is about sacrifice, not about finding completion from the other person. First of all, God is the only one whose love completes you. Psalm 66:20 (NIV) talks of the awesomeness of God’s love:“Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!” Another thing to remember is that you need to be complete in your own identity before you can ever make a relationship work successfully. This is something many of us just don’t hear enough these days. It might be a simple song with a simple message, but it has a powerful meaning if you’ll just listen for it.
Full lyrics for "Enough to Let Me Go" by Switchfoot available below:

Switchfoot's Website:
and myspace:

You can find Switchfoot's music anywhere that sales music. If you get a chance to see them live, then do it! They are quite excellent.

Once again, big thanks to Courtney for an awesome post! Please come back Thursday to check out the new series called "Love Never Fails." I am really excited about this series, and I can not wait to get started. As always, feel free to comment on this post about the song, or anything else you want! If you would like to do a guest post for Music Monday please email me at whocanstopus@gmail.com. Have a great week everybody! See you Thursday!


Anonymous said...

I love this song!! Switchfoot is one of my favorites!

Josh Ballard said...

I agree! Awesome song to go along with a great post!

Anonymous said...

I havent heard that song before but after looking at the lyrics that were posted it seems to be a very meaningful song!:) music mondays are a great idea.

Josh Ballard said...

I'm glad you enjoy Music Mondays as much as I do! Thanks for reading!