What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Monday, June 28, 2010

So...What's Been Going On?

Hey people! Long time no see. I truly am sorry that there has not been a single post, comment, or bit of useful info to come out of this blog in exactly a month. So why is that?
The easy answer would be that I'm busy. I have been a counselor at camp, worked as an artist liaison at the Ichthus Festival, and been out of town for work. I could quite honestly leave it at that, and most people would accept it. However, when I began this blog I commited to being entirely open and honest with you. So, that's what I'm going to do.
When one country goes to war with another country a country is typically united. They are all working towards the same goal, believe in what they are fighting for, and they can't be broken apart. However, when a country is plagued with a civil war...everything falls apart. There's no common direction, the nation is divided, and families are fighting against eachother. The easy answer is that I was busy, but the hard answer is that I was fighting with myself. Before the beginning of the 4 week "hiatus" I had begun to doubt myself. I was finding it hard to get people to do music monday (which I fully intend on bringing back as well), I was having a hard time making the posts seem intriguing and insightful to myself, and I thought that there was little point in me continuing. I wondered why anybody cared about what I put here, and I wasn't as excited with the posts. So, I decided I would take a week off, pray, and then come back to it. Well, that obviously didn't happen. I began doing the other things that I mentioned before, and slowly figured that everybody had forgotten about it. Things began to change though. Before leaving for Ichthus I opened my internet, and my 5 typical home tabs opened up. Facebook, insight webmail, gmail, Kentucky Sports Radio (Go Cats!), and finally this webpage. I quickly exited out of everything that wasn't facebook, but The Rebellion page kept popping up. I finally just got off the computer and left for Ichthus. Ichthus was a flurry of stress, fun, and work. I was running around daily and sweating to no end. However, I was able to get to the Galleria stage on Saturday afternoon and evening to see Aaron Gillespie do 2 acoustic sets. I'll talk more about Ichthus later, but I wanted to bring that up because something special happened. I went hoping to hear songs by The Almost and maybe an acoustic version of some Underoath songs. However, Aaron Gillespie played about 30 minutes of worship following a few of the songs I was hoping to hear. Soon I was wrapped up in every word, singing along, and for the first time being completely consumed in praising God. It was something I hadn't experienced in a long time. Then finally I went to camp to be a counselor and (my original drive for going) to play guitar in the worship band. Honestly, I was dreading it. I focus on issues that teens face, and I had no clue how to relate to 4th, 5th and 6th graders. So, I went into it thinking this would be a terrible week. As it turns out, it was exactly what I needed. I got to see kids come to Christ, sing along to some of my favorite worship songs, and realize that the childlike wonder I once had in my faith was gone. I had let myself get distracted from what God had led me to do, and distracted from the plan he had for me. So, tonight I decided I would write this, and hope that somebody still wanted to read it. Luckily, I received a facebook wall post from Courtney Lemay asking what had taken so long, and I realized that it was time. So, lets start fresh.
If we are going to get a new start over I'm going to need your help. Rather that just means praying for me, calling me out when I miss a week, telling people about the blog, helping me out with a Music Monday post, or even just commenting on some posts. If I'm going to do this, I want to do it right and not let other things get in the way. Once again, I am sorry...and I hope you guys will hang with me for the last post on the Complex Infrastructure series inside of a series. Thanks again to all the people that have been reading and supporting. Thanks to Aaron Gillespie, thanks to the kids, and thanks to internet explorer for malfunctioning. Let's get this going...nobody can stop us.


Anonymous said...

YES!!! Shout out to me! But seriously, great post, Josh. Keep it up!

Josh Ballard said...

Thanks! I'm legitimately happy to be back at it!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Its back! We forgive u lol

Josh Ballard said...

Ha thanks! I'm glad I'm forgiven! Spread the word!