What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Friday, April 16, 2010

I Dare Ya (Post 1): Introduction

How's everybody doing? This week we are starting a new series! If you haven't read last weeks post called "The Red Button" then I think it would help if you went and checked it out! So, lets get this started. In the last post I talked more about breaking the rules. I mentioned a metaphorical "Red Button" and how we are being dared to press that button, or do things that we aren't supposed to. It's one of the key concepts of The Rebellion. We have to break the rules inorder to make a change. So, I'm daring you to push that button.
As teenagers, we don't always get a good rap. We aren't really expected to do much either. That's why it is so important for us to go for it! Just so that we can prove everybody wrong. I believe that if we were to step up and start making a difference in the smallest ways, that it would become infectious. It wouldn't be just us, it would be your friends, your mom, your dad, your little brother or sister, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your grandparents, your teachers, your coaches, it really could change everything that we know. We could flip the world upside down.
Why haven't we tried this sooner? Well, apathy. We, me included, tend to feel apathetic to many things in life. Apathy is being indiffernt or not caring about things. We tend to feel no emotion towards things outside of our struggles. If your girlfriend/boyfriend is mad at you, that will always take control over worrying about the person who doesn't know where they are going to sleep. If we flipped that around, then it would make a world of difference. How we do this is to become empathetic. Empathy is basically when you experience things from somebody else's point of view. Walk a mile in their shoes if you will. This is what we would need. The best thing that I have seen lately is a shirt that explains my feelings perfectly. While others are apathetic, it's the ones that are being empathetic that will influence them. So, when I saw a shirt on http://www.lifelovemusic.com/ that said, "I AM A THREAT TO YOUR APATHY." I couldn't help but to take a sense of excitement at just the thought. We can be a threat to other people's apathy.
So, in this series we are going to discover how we change ourselves, our friends, our community, and most importantly our relationship with our Savior. This is the next logical step to take, and I hope you all accept the challenge. I hope you will pust the red button, and step out of your comfort zone. I promise you won't regret it. Let's be a threat, and continue to ask the question...WHO CAN STOP US?
Thanks for reading! If you liked this post I hope that you will go check out the archives! As for the rest of you all that have been reading...thanks. I can't thank you enough for giving me the time of day. I hope that you all will join me Monday for a new Music Monday post! If you would like to be apart of Music Monday please email your post to whocanstopus@gmail.com! Also, I hope that you will come back next Thursday as we officially get "I Dare Ya" up and running!

I would also like to thank Tucker, Brett, Kelly, Ashlie, and Josh (not me haha) for the distraction of Tolly-Ho tonight! Also, I would like to send the opposite of thanks to the Tolly-Ho burger for making me feel sick tonight. However, I will definitely be back haha. Finally, big thanks for B.o.B. for giving me some awesome music to write to!

Check out http://www.lifelovemusic.com/ for some awesome t-shirts made by Ben Kasica of Skillet.

Have a great weekend! See you all Monday!