What is The Rebellion?

The Rebellion is a movement to change the current teen culture. The Rebellion encourages teens and young adults to stand up for their beliefs, to break all the rules of "Religion," and to live a life of excess in our faith. In Romans 8:31 the question is asked, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" In other words if we were to band together to improve the world that we live in, and followed God's plan for us then...WHO CAN STOP US?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Red Button

Hello everybody! This week I decided to put off the new series until next week because I wanted to do a post that is called The Red Button. Teeneagers naturally are intrigued by things we aren't supposed to do. Drink, be lazy, do drugs, have sex, skip class, and all the other things that go along with them. By telling us not to do it, it almost adds fuel to the fire. It's the equivalent of saying, "Don't press the red button." It makes it more interesting, and you really want to find out what happens when you do press it. That's what I want us to do, I want us to do things that we shouldn't.
Intrigued? I hope so. You (especially the parents reading this) are probably going to wonder why I want teens to do things they shouldn't. Well, it's because that's what rebels do. We do things we shouldn't. When you think about teens these days what do you think of? I'm sure lazy came up, I'm sure some of you said out of control, and I bet somebody may have even said that they are uninterested in anybody but themselves. This is what teens are supposed to do. Sit on our butts, go do stupid things with our friends, and care about ourselves. Ofcourse, there are times and place for some of these things (If anybody knows anything about that, it would be me.), but we can't always do that.
This is our red button. The suggestion that we can't change things, because we don't want to. That's getting tired and played out, and it's time we do something about it. What would happen if we did? What would happen if we all did something that we don't usually do? What if I helped out the kids at my church? What if I got together with a bunch of people and built a playground in the inner city? What if I helped out at a homeless shelter? What if I even just picked up my phone to check up on somebody I haven't talked to in awhile, or even just bought a random stranger a cup of coffee at Starbucks? What if I started reading my Bible and keeping a prayer journal? What if...
We can't leave it at "what if." I don't know about you, but I'm interested to see what would happen. In fact, I know what would happen. People would be confused. Since when do teenagers do these things? Since when do they care about me? That confusion is all that we would need to make a big impact. We are soon going to be adults (like it or not), and if we can make even a little change now...I can only imagine what would happen in the future. It's just like I've said a million times. If we all decided to do this...WHO CAN STOP US? ...You want to press that red button now?
What do you think you could do to "press the red button?"
(feel free to answer the question in the comments section!)
Thanks for reading this post! If it's your first time reading, I hope that you like it enought to read in the future and to check out the archives! As for the next series, we will get it up and running this Thursday! We will be talking about how we can make the change that needs to be made, and what that would do. So, think of The Red Button as an interlude into that. Should be fun, so I hope you keep reading!

Big thanks to my comfy chair at my desk for letting me relax while I write, and also to Search the City for making some awesome music! Also to Blaire Barnhart for the spectacular idea to add a question to the end of the post!

Have a great weekend, see you on monday for Music Monday!